

Psalms 150:4 Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and pipe! 

A choir is a reflection of heaven. John, in his book of Revelation, has painted a striking picture of the choir - There is a heavenly choir that sings God’s praises for all eternity. The prophet Isaiah also gives us a glimpse into God’s throne room with angels singing together, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory” (Isaiah6:3)
Singing was part of Israel’s formal worship in both tabernacle and temple (1 Chron. 6:31–32,16:42). The Psalms bear a rich testimony that in joy and in sorrow, in praise and in lament, the faithful raise their voices in song to God. Hymn singing was practiced even by Jesus and his disciples (Matt. 26:30). 

The congregation is the primary and largest choir in a church. We, the members of St James Mar Thoma Church Choir, aim to lead the congregation to sing, facilitate worship during all Church services and to bring a taste of heaven into our worship. St James Mar Thoma Church Choir is affiliated with DSMC. Our choir consists of
approximately 35 dedicated members including singers and instrumentalists. Auditions are held every year and new members are selected depending on the needs of the Choir. Choir practices are held once every week, either physically or virtually. Some of our choir's recordings are available on Youtube (for e.g.

We hope to encourage you on your journey with Christ, with our Music!

For more information about the choir   please click here

St James Mar Thoma Church is a registered charity in the UK. Our Charity reference number is: 1059210.

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